Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Ultimate Reset day 14!

2 weeks down, one to go. I have only 2 more packets of my detox drink today and I'll be done with it.

I will say that I haven't experienced any crazy weight loss like some people, and I'm ok with that. It would have been nice to drop 20 lbs but that isn't what the Reset is all about. I KNOW my body is releasing toxins and that this reset is working so I'll be a healthier me after all is said and done, if not a much skinnier me.

It's been hard sticking with it and I don't find all the food to be that amazing, even though there are some meals that are fabulous.

I love all the fresh fruit and veggies I've incorporated into my diet though, they make me feel great!

I will say that the lack of protein is really hard to deal with. I feel tired and weak a lot because of it, but I know it's all a process.

I also know I'll never survive being a vegan in the long run either. It's not for me!

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